Did Someone Say Chocolate?

So not excited to see the weather the last few days. I can’t believe that it is snowing again! It may look beautiful and peaceful but it really causes too many problems in this City. Accidents, traffic jams, missed connections,

It’s a Brand New Year!

It’s a new year!  I have been anticipating 2017 for months and I am happy to say I have great expectations for a grand year.  Why, you may ask?  Well, there are several friend and family milestone birthdays, a REAL graduation and

Jingle All the Way!

Season’s Greetings Everyone! Well it seems another Christmas is upon us. I am sitting here completely surprised by the winter wonderland that greeted me this morning and I am reminded of winters past and all the activities we participated in. 

It’s November!

Another cozy Fall month for projects, pastimes and pashminas. As a stalling tactic I created years ago to push back ‘creeping Christmas‘ syndrome, (where-by decorations go up earlier and earlier every year a la corporate Christmas) the first project we

Trick or Treat!

Welcome to probably my favorite month of the year!  I like the weather, the fashion, the colours, the food and the holidays.  And, I kinda love the smell, sort of a decaying leaves, smoke from a fireplace smell (on the good days). I

Are We There Yet?

Yes my friends we are headed back to saner times; fully loaded schedules, chaos in the home,  endless arguments about chores and responsibilities but there will be a predictable, daily symmetry that I thrive on and pine for by the end

Amazing August

Holy crabcakes, what is up with the weather this summer?  I gotta say, I would give anything for a few days of insufferably searing sunshine that makes me sweat standing still and sleep on a clammy bedsheet.  Right, and then stand

July 2016

Did I ever tell you about the time I tried to say ‘yes’ to my kids for a whole day?  Wow, it is sort of impossible for me to do.  If you know me then you are aware that I

Something June!

Can you believe it, we are into the last month of school days for this 2015-16 academic year.  I wonder what everyone has planned for the next couple months? We sort of end up doing a variation of the same

Make Your Mom’s Day!

It’s that time of year again when the kids (and everyone else) are bombarded with media letting them know they should probably acknowledge that special someone in their lives who may be the only living person on the planet whose

April and the Weather is Fine

I hope you all survived the last two weeks of Spring Break!  I noticed some remarkable up-sides to these past two weeks without school; less traffic, no line ups at the doctor’s office and virtually no wait at Children’s Hospital

March Break

I am the first to admit I sometimes go on…and on with issues that stick in my craw but I would like to use this month’s post to rant about another important message that I think is worth sharing and