It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  We are so stoked for Halloween.  What’s not to love? Costumes, chocolate, pumpkin carving, an excuse to buy dry ice…oh yah.  And we might even get some trick or treaters this year. ( I am sooo over-stocked for candy supplies, also a good thing)

So, I have had many Halloween parties over the years and I try to do something a little different every year to keep it fresh and of course provide age appropriate entertainment as the kids have gotten older.  The first year I decided to get a few fireworks was classic.  I went to purchase my first batch at one of those pop up firework stores that appear a week before Halloween and was absolutely gob-smacked by the variety.  Not having any idea what I was looking for, I thought I would ask for advice. The assistant kindly explained what each of the different types of fireworks did and I finally based my choices on showy and colourful but not explode-y as I still had a few younger kids and didn’t want to alarm them with any loud blasts.

Day of the party, we enjoy lots of games, food, hotdog and marshmallow roast and then as a final hoorah, I set off my batch of explosives to much ooh-ing and aah-ing as the fireworks showered sparkles in pretty colours. Nice but tame.

A good friend arrived just then and as a surprise had also brought some fireworks as a party contribution.  I don’t think she gave her selection the same worried consideration that I had.  Not knowing what to expect, I put one of the largest roman candles in the ground, lit the fuse then stepped back to watch the display.  In a matter of seconds, the thing vomited a fireball into the sky that then proceeded to explode massive comets of coloured fire for about 30 seconds.  It was tremendous, exciting and very, very loud.  The kids were speechless.  I waited for the younger ones to whimper and break down in frantic tears but instead they went crazy, yelling and laughing and “oh-my-god-that-was-amazing” , “do-it-again” , “those-other-ones-were-so-lame”…

So, I take away two things from that little adventure; one – be careful of free fireworks! and two – sometimes it’s better not to try and second guess what someone is ready to experience, if you don’t sell them short, they may just surprise you.

Happy Halloween everybody!

Keep Calm and Scary On