Yes my friends we are headed back to saner times; fully loaded schedules, chaos in the home,  endless arguments about chores and responsibilities but there will be a predictable, daily symmetry that I thrive on and pine for by the end of every summer.

September brings a fresh start.  Just like those empty binders awaiting a years worth of new information and completed projects, I come prepared with new lunch ideas, healthy life-style goals and energy for committees, clubs and work.  Which as all of you know, dwindles rapidly into a vortex of stress, soggy sandwiches and 5 extra lbs. by the end of the year.  Luckily the New Year and all its promise provides a bit of a boost to carry me somewhat to the finish line in June where the cycle will begin again.

But never mind that.  Right now, I feel fresh and am eagerly anticipating a dynamic school year and bonus, I also have equally excited and motivated kids.  Who can complain about that?

I wish everyone a Happy Fall and a great new school year.  Don’t forget, Halloween is just around the corner!  We are already preparing ideas for costumes.

See you next month!

Are We There Yet?