Ah December, the final lap to the New Year!  I thought I would take a moment to high-light some of the more enjoyable moments of this past year:

January: Reese was invited to be a part of a dance ensemble who performed on the street during the Vancouver 2015 PuSH Festival.  Super fun flash mob style!

February: After 10 years at the Oak street location, the family had to pick up sticks and move to a new house.  Alex is still adjusting to the move.  It is a weird feeling driving past the block to see only the vast construction site.

March: Liam managed to acquire his Learner’s Permit and Mom learned she is definitely not cut out to teach driving lessons!  Very busy Spring Market, so here’s a Shout Out to all those clients who called on me to help them with their sales or purchases over these months.

April:  More of the same; work, school and sports!

May: Andrew turned 50 and we had a BBQ shake down with, what else?  Burgers and Beer!  Doh!

June: My sister and her Family came out to spend the month in Canada, dividing their time between Vancouver and Kelowna, I hosted my first Friends and Family Appreciation BBQ, Alex went to Brackendale with her class for 3 days, we had another successful Carnival at Rose Des Vents, went to Harrison Hot Springs for a few days and hmmm, many drinks were consumed in this month…

July: Again, work continued to be very fulfilling and steady.  I cannot thank all of you enough for your business, referrals and support this year!

August: Our annual Moms and Kids Only camping week in the Sm’Okanagan.  It was certainly not the most ideal conditions due to several forest fires in the region but hey, no mosquitoes so there’s that.

September: Yay, school’s back!

October : Oh yah, this month was all things Halloween! And we spent the evening around the fire pit on the front lawn enticing children to come and take some candy.  When you read it that way, it sounds extremely dubious but I assure you, it was all good fun.

November : This month is not over as I write this newsletter.  It has been filled to bursting with baking Christmas cookies, our annual Cookie Exchange, writing Christmas cards, four excellent parties, a school performance, filling 230 bags with candy for holiday treats, Christmas Carols (yes, QMFM is on at our house), soccer games, kid’s holiday activities and the timely resurrection of the ‘Holiday Happy Hour’!

December : Planning to spend some time with the Grand Parents, maybe teach the kids to ski and definitely having some egg nog, eating way too many chips and Christmas cookies and catching the new Star Wars flick. May the Force be with You !

To all of you, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. I look forward to a super busy New Year with many opportunities to catch up, have more laughs and keep on keeping on!

Deck Them Halls