Another cozy Fall month for projects, pastimes and pashminas.

As a stalling tactic I created years ago to push back ‘creeping Christmas‘ syndrome, (where-by decorations go up earlier and earlier every year a la corporate Christmas) the first project we generally enjoy together is making snowflakes.  I think I have mentioned this activity before.

Certainly in a city that typically receives very little snowfall, it may be the only nod to White Christmas that many of us will see over the holidays.  However this year, I came across a blast from my past and I have been thinking about it ever since.

Remember the ‘snow in a can’ craze and the stencils you could get to create lovely, albeit slightly less organic ‘Jack Frost’ images on your picture windows.  You could use the fake, fluffy concoction on your trees, wreaths, table displays but the window stuff was art!  I am sure it was super toxic and flammable no less but it was everywhere.  No store display or Santa’s workshop was complete without it.  I begged my Mom to get some so we could have the latest and greatest Christmas décor must-have.  No dice.  It’s too messy, who’s going to wash the windows, it gets everywhere… I guess as she was the primary housekeeper back then, those were valid arguments.  I probably agree with her on a certain level.  At this stage in my life, I weigh the possibility of greatest end result to minimal cleanup ratio before conceding to most projects.


In the end, I hemmed and hawed too long and the magical vintage decorating elixir was snapped up by a much more quick thinking garage sale aficionado and I was denied another 70’s do-over.

l guess I’ll stick to the paper cut-outs for the time being.  After all, it is only November.  Maybe between now and Dec. 25th I will discover some other way to ‘whiten’ up my personal winter wonderland and by that I mean; in a snow sense.  People please.

Enjoy some fun this month! 

It’s November!