What to discuss this month.  Sometimes inspiration hits me over the head with a brick.  Other times, like now, I sit staring out the window waiting for a topic to overwhelm me.  The holidays in February point to Chinese New Year or Valentine themes and with the new Family Day long weekend, I could list some great family activities but I am under the impression that this year lots of families are either going to Hawaii or skiing so I guess most everyone’s plans are already sorted.

Anyway, excuse me, Family Day?!  Every day is family day for some of us.  What moron decided to create a holiday where we could spend more time together fighting about being together? I don’t want to defend my deep and committed love for my children but let’s face it, even the 9 year old knows we all get along better when we are in separate rooms.

We have had an occasional, successful  adventure together.  I am reminded of a 10 day road trip to Drumheller one summer.  High-lights included two water slides, the dinosaurs (thank goodness after all that driving) and a most impressive caribou chewing his cud by the side of the road amidst a flurry of flash photography during the spontaneous traffic jam that he caused.  And we often bond over any kind of food.  Many gut-busting guffaws have been had discussing the weird and wonderful traditions and cooking methods of world cuisine.  Also, truth be told, my son is quite an accomplished impressionist so his authentic accents and portrayal of cultural idiosyncrasies sort of lends itself to bad table decorum but hilariously good times.

So I guess that just proves we are capable of family harmony if only in small, rare, cherish-able doses.

All I can say is, good thing it is February, there is extra chocolate available for those of us in need of some kind of placebo to counteract the effects of “togetherness”.

Eat two bars and call me in the morning.

Happy Family Day Everyone!

Fab Feb