It’s a new year!  I have been anticipating 2017 for months and I am happy to say I have great expectations for a grand year.  Why, you may ask?  Well, there are several friend and family milestone birthdays, a REAL graduation and some long awaited family vacations that are finally on the horizon.

Nothing particularly earth-shattering but a nice selection of pleasant events well scattered over the coming months that will hopefully make this year a steady collection of happy memories.

I have been feeling strangely energetic lately and have been powering through some long abandoned projects to get them off my plate this year.  One thing on my list was to sort through the last few unpacked boxes from our move last March.  Mainly it is art supplies and children’s books so I can just donate everything to school, easy. What I didn’t realise we had so carefully packed and transported, was a whole bunch of garbage.  Really, not just stuff I don’t need, actual garbage.  I think a shopping bag of paper recycling got packed by accident and then I looked further and discovered broken toys, torn books and what is quite possibly a giant lint ball removed from the last house’s dryer vent.  Ok, this is what happens when you multi-task too many activities at once.  Good grief!  Oh well, at least ‘unpacking’ that box was… easier.  Now I can sit back and enjoy my tidy, uncluttered laundry room with a well deserved glass of wine, easiest!

I wish you all a kinder, gentler year than 2016 was.  However, I am sure we will have lots of head shaking moments what with all that is going on South of our border.  Should be interesting, possibly frightening, hopefully just eye-rollingly, funny. Stay tuned, I look forward to lots of ‘inspiration’ this year!

It’s a Brand New Year!