I hope this month’s edition of my newsletter finds you all eagerly anticipating longer days and warmer temperatures. Vancouver never disappoints with its cherry blossoms, magnolia trees and endless beds of tulips and daffodils.

Unless of course it is still dumping snow…like right now. Heavy sigh, I guess we aren’t done with winter yet.

In other news, after many years of constant debate and negotiation, I have finally acquiesced to a very significant request from my family. Those of you who know my position on this particular subject may be surprised by this revelation here today but I thought I would share with you all that we are now in the process of adopting…a dog.

I know, I know…what am I thinking? Have I lost my mind? Trust me, I have stood my ground for years mainly because I was well aware of the tremendous amount of extra work that would fall my way. I have an issue with cleanliness and dog hair and don’t get me started on that oh so titillating fragrance of Eau de Wet Dog…a personal favorite. Those are but a few line items from my ‘con’ list.

But, I started to think about the pros for a change; health benefits from not only the daily necessity of walkies but the published truth about the healing power and positive mental welfare associated with pet ownership. Pet owners are happier, healthier and better adjusted. Frankly my family could use all the help it can get so we are trolling the SPCA website daily to find the right addition to our family.

Let me tell you, the use of flowery descriptors to convey less than perfect qualities is not a device used exclusively by Realtors! I think we have decoded some of the lingo at this point;

– a bit exuberant when meeting strangers (will attack you)
– a guardian who is willing to continue working on positive-reinforcement training will help (needs psychiatric support)
– needs a more quiet environment and gentle handling (will attack you)
– somewhat uncertain of strangers (will attack you)
– a little shy at first but warms up very quickly to a calm personality (or else will attack you)
– be patient with me as I sometimes still have accidents (pees everywhere)

But of course I jest. These mostly lovely animals come from less than ideal situations and need patience and love. I am just letting all my neuroses peek through the thin veneer of forced enthusiasm.

Like the post reads…Madness. I will let you know how it goes.

March Madness