Last year in my May newsletter I kinda focussed on the Mom job and my promise to fall short. (but in a good way)

This year is a shout out to all the Moms I know who are amazing and go the extra mile all the time. We all know it’s a thankless job and given the choice we would do it again in a heartbeat. But some of the stories from the front line are nuts if not down-right insane.

Like a Mom I know who had not one but two special needs kids, the endless times one particular Mom volunteered at school because no one else would, the Mom who routinely invites 6 girls at a time for sleep-overs, the Mom who can plan and execute two parties simultaneously and hold a full time management position in a research firm, all the Moms who leave the house ‘killin’ it’ because even though they aren’t 20 anymore, they work out or dress up or put some effort into feeling good and looking fantastic! To all of you I say, thanks for the inspiration and have an excellent day!

One of those Moms I speak of gave me a lovely birdhouse that she made earlier this year and not being able to put it up right away, I left it on the front porch as a reminder to get a hammer and nail. Well, 4 months later it is still sitting there and a sweet chickadee couple have been eyeing it this week, flying in and around, checking out the ‘open house’ as it were. Now, I’m not saying that our front stoop is a sketchy neighbourhood or anything but I know who lives in the house and there are all manner of children, friends and pets coming in and out within stroking distance of this little abode all hours of the day, not to mention the nest of crows metres away at the boulevard. Suffice to say, we quickly re-located the house to a more secure location up in the trees in our back yard. Which proves once again (as if we needed more examples) that Vancouver real-estate is in such a dreadful state that even the birds have down-graded safety as a priority on their wish-list!

Good grief! Have a super month and don’t forget to throw some bird seed out in your yard once in a while. Let’s at least keep the amenities within flying distance.

May As Well